So Monday night, we went out to a local bar that was on the outskirts of town so it wasn't touristy and they didn't speak english! We ordered beers and listened to a country/folk band play. This old man kept asking some of us girls to dance, he asked me once, he was smelly!! But I danced anyway, he was harmless and it was fun! There was this woman who barely spoke english that became my kamaradka (friend) by the end of the night, she got out her phone and showed us pictures of her pes (dog) and her brat (brother, spelled like bratr sounds like brat haha) she was so funny! I got a great opportunity to practice my czech, it was really fun!
Brilliant college idea to order two beers to start off because there were about 20-30 of us and we didn't want to wait to order more!!
This is the band that was playing at the locals bar on the outskirts of town that we visited on monday.
pickled cheese... wasn't my dish but I thought it was interesting
on our way back it was snowing, so of course I had to make a snow angel.
This morning I had an apple/kiwi yogurt, never heard of that combo before, but it was REALLY very good! This afternoon we went on a walk around prague, learning some history and exploring; I decided to walk back instead of take the tram like everybody else and I got seriously lost! I then had to ask where the metro was in my bumbling czech, luckily it's not very hard to say and someone was able to point and gesture in the right direction. When I found the metro and got on, I was only one stop away from home!! haha
I have a test in czech tomorrow that I need to study for so dobrou noc (good night)!